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關於奇想 About Us

關於奇想 About Us

  • 中壢樂器旗艦店: (03) 426-0201 桃園市中壢區中央西路一段1號2F (台電大樓對面,中央西路與延平路三角點) 

Zhongli Flagship Store: 2F., No.1, Sec. 1, Zhongyang W. Rd., Zhongli Dist., Taoyuan City, 32041, Taiwan (R.O.C) 
桃園市私立奇想音樂短期補習班 (府教終字第1070216016號) 

  • 台北吉他專門店: (02) 2382-0201 台北市大安區復興南路一段79巷4弄2號 (忠孝復興捷運5號/微風廣場出口,復興南路與市民大道交接點) 

Taipei Guitar Shop: No. 2, Aly. 4, Ln. 79, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City 10697, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




異想世界吉他坊】:奇想樂器雛形成立於1997年,居於台北潮州街小巷內,是間小小的民謠吉他小屋稱作【異想世界】。當時的異想世界,是台灣推廣 Fingerstyle 鋼弦吉他演奏的最先驅。為了推廣這獨特的演奏風格,異想世界在網路還不成熟的時期,就開始邀請國內外 Fingerstyle 大師來台演出,成功吸引一群台灣的Fingerstyle 樂手與愛好者,逐漸打響名聲,但後期因經營理念轉變,異想世界潮州街小舖暫時劃下句點改以個人教學工作室方式呈現。



奇想樂器有限公司 Fantasy Music Instrument Co., LTD】:負責國內產品經銷,及國際進出口業務代理洽談溝通管道。身為多項國外知名品牌樂器、手工吉他、拾音器、音箱、零配件的國際代理商,奇想更需對國際原廠負責,致力保障原廠的商譽聲望,承擔保固和營運計劃;也正因如此,團隊在過去幾年來持續努力,讓許多國際品牌及好產品引進台灣,讓更多愛樂人有更好更完善的體驗,也讓原廠廠商建立良好信任感,願意與奇想進行合作。

好奇妙文化有限公司 How Fancy Co., Ltd】:2021年台北店搬遷到大安區成立的新營運部,負責部分代理廠牌商品進出口,及國外藝人來台演出經紀業務,提供完善的演出流程和品質;以及高階手工訂製吉他專業諮詢。


  • 各項樂器專業教學 (立案音樂短期補習班)。
  • 國內外進口樂器、專業器材、音箱、導線等專業代理批發及零售。
  • 各種等級吉他拾音系統搭配規劃及安裝。
  • 入門新手吉他零售批發團購。
  • 國際知名製琴師高階手工琴客製化訂做。
  • 國內外樂手專業演奏會統籌執行。


In 1997, Fantasyland Guitar Workshop was established in a small alley on Chaozhou Street of Taipei, Fantasy Music used to be a small shop named Fantasyland Guitar Workshop, which was the pioneer in promoting fingerstyle guitars. To promote this unique style, Fantasyland Guitar Workshop had been inviting fingerstyle artists from all over the world to Taiwan even when the internet was not a part of everyday life. We had successfully attracted a lot of fingerstyle players and music lovers and made a name for ourselves. However, due to the change in business style in the later period, in the sigh of many fans, the Fantasyland temporarily put aside the end and transformed into a teaching studio.

Zhongli Flagship Store: till 2007, thanks to the hard work of all guitar lovers and Mr. Larry Chi, Fantasy Music was finally re-established in Zhongli, Taoyuan. Fantasy Music always remembers where we came from, and based on our roots, we will stand out with our creativity. That is why we have been hiring great teachers specialized in both classic and pop music to give lessons. All the efforts paid off in 2016 when we moved into our flagship store of 6,050 square feet from the four-story terraced house with no elevator. Also, we have gone through a complicated process to be registered as a large-scale music school. Now, we are able to provide our students with systematized and quality lessons and a large flagship space for display.

Taipei Guitar Shop: In 2011, as the Zhongli flagship store had been steadily growing over time, we knew it is time for Fantasy Music to have a comeback in Taipei. Fantasy Music Taipei Acoustic Shop was thus established in the Ximending Shopping District, providing the most professional acoustic equipment and guitars of different levels. Meanwhile, we completed our official registration as a music school that offers acoustic guitar lessons. At that time, Fantasy Music Taipei Acoustic Guitar Shop was the first shop decorated in American country style that specialized in acoustic guitars and related equipment. It is also one of a few shops in Taiwan that displayed international-level and high-end acoustic guitars and provided services of premium pickup matching and installment. Regular workshops, gigs and performances will be presented in this shop.

Fantasy Music Instrument Co., LTD: Fantasy Music mainly manages international import and export business, agency negotiations, international customized product tracking, and contacts. At the same time, we also deal with domestic business. Fantasy Music is the international agent of several famous brands, handmade guitars, pickups, amplifiers, accessories, and parts. That is to say, Fantasy Music represents these brands and holds responsibility for their reputation since we also take part in their warranty and operational plans. All the responsibilities and efforts are worthwhile if we could introduce more international brands and quality products to Taiwan for music lovers. 


It is our hope to provide our customers with more customized services. Our in-store services include:

  • Professional lessons of classic, pop, and trendy musical instruments.
  • Agency, wholesaling, and retailing of Taiwanese and international musical instruments, professional equipment, amplifiers, and sheet music.
  • Pickup matching and installments for guitars of all levels. 
  • Retailing, wholesaling, and group buying of guitars for beginners.
  • Customization of handmade guitars by internationally renowned masters.
  • Organization and execution of professional concerts for Taiwanese and international musicians. 

Over the years, Fantasy Music has become an irreplaceable part of the guitar field in Taiwan, the most pfofessional diverse high-end and boutique guitar shops. We came to realize, while feeling grateful, that we have great responsibilities to take on. That is why we know we can only work harder in the future. Fantasy Music has never been a large, well-capitalized enterprise. We could only be approved by many international prestigious brands of musical instruments and equipment due to the passion and efforts of our staff in promoting music. We are utterly honored and pleased to be the agent in Taiwan. We will always be humble and constantly work with the brands to create a better music environment in Taiwan.



* 1997 以"異想世界吉他坊"之名發跡於潮州巷內 (2001年結束) 
* 2007 重新以"奇想樂器"之名於中壢市中正路成立 
* 2008 愛爾蘭手工琴廠Lowden guitar台灣代理
* 2008 英國手工弦Newtone台灣獨家代理
* 2009 中壢店1.0版新店面成立於中壢市和平街
* 2009 美國高階Collings吉他台灣獨家代理
* 2010 德國AER音箱台灣獨家代理
* 2010 美國民謠吉他Eastman台灣獨家代理
* 2010 日本手工民謠吉他品牌Morris台灣代理 (2015年終止)
* 2011 台北店正式於萬華區西寧南路63號2F開幕並完成音樂補習班立案流程
* 2011 日本OVAL高階拾音器台灣獨家代理
* 2011 美國Mi-Si綠能高階拾音器台灣代理 (2015年終止)
* 2011 加拿大Wyres手工弦台灣獨家代理 (2015年終止)
* 2011 德國Lakewood手工製吉他台灣代理
* 2011 美國民謠吉他專業拾音器Seymour Duncan(原木吉他系列名為D-TAR)台灣代理
* 2011 美國專業吉他專用指套aLaska Pik台灣獨家代理
* 2011 英國Headway前級及拾音器台灣獨家代理
* 2012 德國ErgoPlay吉他支撐輔助架台灣代理
* 2012 新加坡Maestro手工客製吉他民謠吉他台灣獨家代理
* 2013 澳洲全單Cole Clark手工客製吉他民謠吉他台灣獨家代理 (2015年終止)
* 2013 澳洲老牌Maton手工客製吉他民謠吉他台灣獨家代理
* 2014 美國民謠吉他拾音器專用背帶釘ASS台灣獨家代理
* 2014 美國高階手工吉他Goodall台灣獨家代理
* 2015 波蘭DL導線 David Laboga台灣獨家代理
* 2015 英國知名製琴師創立之Avian吉他台灣獨家代理 (2016年品牌解散終止)
* 2015 美國高階知名跨界吉他品牌Buscarino台灣獨家代理
* 2016 美國專業指套ProPik台灣獨家代理
* 2016 美國最新科技覆膜弦科學弦-Acoustic Science Strings台灣獨家代理 (2017年公司解散終止)
* 2016 美國經典老品牌Recording King吉他台灣獨家代理 (2018年終止)
* 2016 奇想中壢旗艦店正式搬到170坪新店面現址: 中壢市中央西路一段1號2F,並完成音樂補習班立案流程
* 2016 美國Guitar Scratch Remover吉他刮痕清除產品台灣獨家代理
* 2016 美國經典高階民謠拾音系統Trance Audio台灣獨家代理
* 2017 美國經典高階響孔拾音器Sunrise台灣獨家代理
* 2017 日本手工導線「神鳴Kaminari」台灣獨家代理
* 2018 日本吉他手用強甲/護手產品「Kaina」台灣獨家代理
* 2019 美國LR Baggs拾音器及效果器台灣代理
* 2020 美國Sand高階手工吉他台灣訂製代理
* 2021 奇想西門店搬遷至大安區:台北市大安區復興南路一段79巷4弄2號
* 2022 美國Bourgeois高階手工吉他台灣獨家代理
* 2022 美國D'Andrea吉他Pick指套專業零配件台灣獨家代理
* 2023 美國Ryan Guitar頂級手工琴台灣代理
* 2024 日本K.Yairi經典老牌吉他台灣獨家代理


Represent Brands:
* Lowden guitar Taiwan distributor since 2008, stopped in 2020
* Newtone String Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2008
* Collings Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2009
* AER amp Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2009
* Eastman Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2010
* Morris Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2010, stopped in 2015
* OVAL pickup system Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011
* Mi-Si pickup system Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011, stopped in 2015
* Wyres Strings Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011, stopped in 2015
* Lakewood Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011
* Seymour Duncan (merged D-TAR) pickup system Taiwan offical dealer since 2011
* aLaska Pik Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011
* Headway pickup and pre-amp. Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2011
* ErgoPlay Guitar supporter Taiwan distributor since 2012
* Maestro Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2012
* Cole Clark Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2012, stopped in 2015
* Maton Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2013
* Goodall Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2013
* Poland DL cable Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2015
* Buscarino Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2015
* ProPik professional thumb picks Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2016
* Acoustic Science Strings Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2016, stopped in 2017
* Recording king Guitar Taiwan distributor since 2016
* Guitar Scratch Remover Products Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2016
* Trance Audio Pickup system Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2016
* Sunrise Pickup system Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2016
* Japan Kaminari cables Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2017
* Japan Kaina Nail Coat for Guitarist Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2018
* LR Baggs offical Taiwan dealer since 2019
* Sand Guitar Taiwan exclusive representer since 2020
* Bourgeois Guitar Taiwan exclusive distributor since 2022
* D'Andrea Guitar Accessories Taiwan exclusive representer since 2022
* Ryan Guitar Taiwan representer since 2023
* K.Yairi Guitar Taiwan exclusive representer since 2024

奇想中壢樂器旗艦店 Zhongli Flagship Store

奇想台北吉他專門店 Taipei Guitar Store




