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新年快樂,奇想門市2/1(六)13:00開市營業,音樂課程2/3(一)恢復上課喔,完整春節營業時間歡迎參閱→ 春節營業時間

美國 Sunrise SB-2 (Stereo) 木吉他前級

美國 Sunrise SB-2 (Stereo) 木吉他前級
美國 Sunrise SB-2 (Stereo) 木吉他前級
  • 庫存狀況: 有庫存
  • 廠牌: Sunrise
  • 型號: SB-2

奇想樂器獨家代理Sunrise SB-2 (Stereo) 木吉他前級

The Sunrise Preamp Buffer Box is a line matching device designed specifically to access the coupling feature built into Sunrise Pickups.The output of a Sunrise Pickup should be sent first to this preamp.

Sunrise Preamp Buffer Boxes provide the pickup signal with 12dB of gain, high resolution, and impedance matching capabilities. The active 18 volt Bi-Polar powered circuit eliminates pickup loading and line loss due to long cable runs, and also delivers up to 4 years of battery life with 2) 9 volt Energizer Alkaline batteries.

The S-B2 is designed to preamp the Sunrise Pickup along with a piezo pickup with each signal being sent through it's own preamp circuit, and then to the outputs (Sunrise and Aux) with the piezo signal sent to Aux.

The S-B2 produce the widest frequency response possible from a battery powered preamp, and allows the Sunrise Pickup to operate at it's full design capabilities.


  • Input impedance: 1 megohm
  • Output impedance: <100 ohms
  • Maximum output level: +15Dbv.
  • Frequency response: 10-40kHz + or - 3dB
  • Battery consumption: 150 microamps
  • Normal battery life: 3-4 Years Use 2) 9V Energizer Alkaline
  • Dimensions: 4 5/8" X 2 5/8" X 1 3/16"