奇想創辦人介紹 Founder
紀明程 (紀老) 奇想樂器創辦人
奇想樂器的創辦人:紀明程 (紀老),就是這樣,像民謠吉他百科全書的人物,民謠吉他相關的人事物,幾乎95%都在他的大腦資料庫中,也只有對吉他有高度熱情的人,才能一輩子都樂在鑽研和吸收相關新知,不感到疲乏。我們也堅信,只有愛吉他到狂熱,把生命和吉他完全結合在一起的人,才能真正用心把吉他店做到專業有公信力。
期間,也出版了Fingerstyle演奏合輯《醍醐》,將日式抒情的Fingerstyle技巧與中國傳統優美的曲風融合,成為當時『Fingerstyle 指彈吉他』主要的流行型態;這約10年時間內,更是帶領出一批十分優秀的台灣指彈吉他好手,這些高手目前都是台灣第一線超強的指彈樂手,也是台灣第一代指彈吉他Fingerstyle種子師資。
Larry Chi|Founder of Fantasy Music
"Guitar is more than a passion - That's all there is." This is the ultimate dream of every guitarist and the unwavering commitment of a true craftsman.
Larry Chi, the founder of Fantasy Music, is like a walking encyclopedia of acoustic guitars. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of acoustic guitars, with nearly 95% of all related information stored in his mind. Only those with an unwavering passion for guitars can dedicate their entire lives to researching, learning, and refining their craft without ever feeling fatigued. We firmly believe that only someone who intertwines their life with guitars—who loves them to the point of obsession—can truly operate a professional and highly respected guitar store.
While studying at National Chengchi University, Larry fully immersed himself in the world of acoustic guitars. After earning his master's degree from National Taiwan University, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to mastering steel-string guitar performance, particularly the fingerstyle technique. He released the fingerstyle compilation album Ti-Hu, which fused Japanese fingerstyle techniques with traditional Chinese melodies, shaping the mainstream fingerstyle guitar style of that era. Over the next decade, he mentored and nurtured a generation of outstanding Taiwanese fingerstyle guitarists, many of whom have gone on to become Taiwan’s top performers and pioneering fingerstyle instructors.
In recent years, he continuously explores the latest international equipment and innovations, attending major music exhibitions to bring high-end custom guitars and premium gear to Taiwan’s growing community of dedicated players. Many of Taiwan’s most respected folk musicians and top-tier band guitarists have given high praise to Fantasy Music’s selection of world-class guitars and pickups.
來聽聽董老師給紀老的曲子 ^^
鍾蕙文 好奇妙文化有限公司負責人/奇想樂器執行長
畢業於音樂和商學著名的美國印第安那大學 Indiana University Bloomington,就學時期兼職WTIU:PBS public television 校際公共電視台,新聞組助理導播職務,歸國後進入科技領域,先後在工研院、國科會晶片系統設計中心、日月光半導體、及美商國家儀器National Instruments任職;跟紀老從一而終只在吉他圈的際遇十分不同,Ellen人生職涯中,先後擔任許多不同類型的職務,也從中汲取各企業的經營模式,更累積許多產學研界及外商經驗;最終決定走入樂器企業經營,與紀明程(紀老)共同創立「奇想樂器」。
Ellen Chung|Co-Founder of Fantasy Music
A graduate of the prestigious Indiana University Bloomington, renowned for its excellence in both music and business, Ellen Chung worked as an assistant director in the news division of WTIU, a PBS public television station, during her college years. After returning to Taiwan, she entered the technology sector, holding positions at the Industrial Technology Research Institute, the Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute: Chip Implementation Center, ASE Semiconductor, and the National Instruments. Unlike Larry, who dedicated his entire career to the guitar world, Ellen’s professional journey spanned multiple industries. She took on various roles in different fields, gaining valuable insights into corporate management models while accumulating extensive experience in academia, research, and multinational corporations. Ultimately, she made the decision to enter the musical instrument business, co-founding Fantasy Music with Larry.
Fantasy Music has taken a path distinctly different from traditional musical instrument stores. In addition to operating a physical storefront, it also serves as an official distributor for international brands. Ellen plays a crucial role in maintaining strong relationships with renowned luthiers, manufacturers, and guitarists worldwide. These connections extend beyond mere business dealings, often evolving into long-term friendships, solidifying Fantasy Music’s reputation as the go-to distributor in Taiwan for many prestigious global brands and musicians.